Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Big Apple

All of a sudden, I have realized that saying that one inhabits "The Big Apple" automatically labels one as a worm (because who else lives inside apples?)
I do not like this concept.

Every moment in New York inspires me, and every day contains some element of serendipity in the form of a conversation, a smile, a realization, or a variety of other possible events. I've begun to notice patterns everywhere: from the crisscrossing of escalators, to the rows of people's faces on the subway, to the elegance of crosswalks. If I had an eye for symmetry (which sadly, I do not), I would love to capture this photographically.

Here are a couple of photographs representing my experience in the city. For now, I will bravely post the unedited versions.

A picture-perfect child in Union Square:
A wonderfully colorful adolescent, also in Union Square:
A couple that has obviously been married for quite a while, again in Union Square:
Beautiful, beautiful Riverside (I can't believe that I get to look out at this every day):
Three lovely ladies, friends of 20 years, in Washington Square Park:
Washington Square Park again:
Not sure where I took this, but I love it:
The amazing grandmothers (and grandfathers) against the war, protesting somewhere in Midtown:

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