Other photographs that I've taken recently:

I thought that this was just me being pretentiously artsy, but other people seemed to like it. This was published.

Shh, don't tell this woman that I photographed her! This picture was candid, but when I asked her if I could take a portrait, she refused. Then she asked, "Why would a journalist want a picture of another journalist?"

To be honest, this sandwich looked more delicious than it actually was.

This was published, albeit in a horribly misshapen, compressed form.
Just realized your banner picture has a yodeling meter!! Whatttt?!?!?
Awesome. I would like one, please :)
Hey Masha! Your photos are getting sooo good! I LOVE! Whats up? What are you doing now... school?
Hey there!
(I'm not terribly accustomed to the whole Blogger comments system, so I hope that you see this response.)
Thanks about the photos, although I've really just been photographing occasionally so I doubt that there's been all THAT much progress. But thanks anyway.
I am actually not in school at the moment, just taking some time off to figure things out. What are you up to these days?
I love your site, but honestly tell you that you need more for him to monitor those who commented with your records
Anonymous -
Thank you...but I have no idea what you mean.
hey, nice weblog and good publish
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