Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Mascarpone The Clown

I have never understood the fear of clowns that pervades the American culture. Perhaps it is the result of films like "It" and the legacy of John Wayne Gacy, but clowns are often perceived as murderers and perverts in disguise.

I, however, appreciate the complicated role of clowns, the combination of joy and clumsy confusion that they represent. With the discovery of this clown in Union Square (a man from Argentina who calls himself Mascarpone), I found numerous photographic opportunities - bewildered children, fluorescent equipment, and that amazing, intentionally imperfect powdery makeup.

I got quite a few nice shots (with surprisingly few difficulties with focusing, my usual handicap), some of which I hope to send to him. I hope very much that he likes them.

Oh, and also:
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday dear me-ee
Happy Birthday to me

I have officially begun a new decade in my life. Now I can legally do everything except rent a car.

(Edit: and run for Congress/President.)


Anonymous said...

Masha... You have a blog that features your wonderful photography! And, you live in NYC now?! And, happy birthday to you!
Great writing + great photography. I am a fan.
I found this link on FLICKR. I will keep checking in on you and all your fabulous adventures documented via your fabulous talents. ~Marni

Anonymous said...

We just saw Mascarpone the Clown on Third Street Promenade this past summer in Santa Monica, CA. This guy is great! I took his card and hope he can perform at my niece's birthday party next month. He's got a website too,

Cool to know he "cured" you of Coulrophobia!

- The Silvermans

P.S. Your photos are great, keep shooting!