Thursday, June 17, 2010

PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT: Crossing The Finish Line

Name: Bernadette
Age: 40-something
Job: Actor, singer, full-time mom
Location: Upper West Side

1. Is there something in your past that you would like to have in your present/future OR would you change anything from your past?

I think one of the things I really miss is people in my life who have passed away, I would want them to be here in the present, and the future too, share life and share experiences with me, because they were fun, I loved them, or they shared their insights, and I would just want them to be here, you know. To look into the future, to see my daughter growing up, to see me progressing with things, and just to be a part of their [lives]. If anything I would change, I think it would be my inability…being afraid to really ask for what I want.

2. What is currently the most important thing in your life?

Making a commitment to be present, to love the people in my life, and to learn to love each moment each day.

3. How do you imagine your future?

Living more from who I am creatively, creative expression, singing more, collaborating with people, and really beginning to support myself again that way, as a creative person, as a creative artist, collaborating, having fun, consistently. So for me, what does that mean - performing on the stage, collaborating with other people, recording music, and possibly writing screenplays, doing film. So whatever is creative, fun things, film things, artistic things.

Name: Yasmine
Age: 12
Job: Student
Location: Upper West Side

1. Is there something in your past that you would like to have in your present/future OR would you change anything from your past?

I would change, whatchacallit, when getting my cat, because she was abused, and she really hates people, so I have a lot of scars.

2. What is currently the most important thing in your life?

My kitten - my cat doesn't like me, so my mom said I could get a kitten, and she's really nice to play with.

3. How do you imagine your future?

I would imagine my future living in New York still and living in a big loft, and having a dog and having a really good job that pays me a lot of money and people always wanting to party with me.

Name: Ettore
Age: 15
Job: Student
Location: Upper West Side

1. Is there something in your past that you would like to have in your present/future OR would you change anything from your past?

I would not change anything, because every decision, every thing I've done, every thing that's happened, brought me here, because I was born in Italy, and after some events I'm here now.

2. What is currently the most important thing in your life?

I would just say my dad because, I mean, he's dad.

3. How do you imagine your future?

Older…I don't really know. I'd like to be a doctor, but let's see what will be.

Bernadette is Yasmine's mother. Ettore is, I'm assuming, an exchange student who is living with them. They all seemed to be great friends, and it was a pleasure watching them interact with one another.

Well, look at that. Today is the last day of the program (except for the exhibition tomorrow, which is from 2:00-4:00 pm at 66 5th Avenue/ 2 West 13th St in case anybody other than my classmates wants to come!) I am basically finished, with only a couple of small responsibilities remaining (shortening my artist statement, printing out the text of the interviews, and burning everything to a DVD). I am also not speaking today (or speaking as little as possible) because of the gigantic frog that has settled in my throat. I am not good at not speaking.

I'm thinking that I want to organize my photographs by the ages of the subjects, but we'll see.


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