Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A (Nearly) Random Selection Of Unedited Summer Images

I would like to post some photographs from the latter part of this summer, but I'm too busy/lazy/unsatisfied with Photoshop Elements to edit them at the moment. As a result, I will simply put up the inferior JPEG versions that were imported into iPhoto, and worry about it later.

These are basically just the photos that caught my eye when I decided to create this post 5 minutes ago. More to come, perhaps?

In Boston, Alicia and I got stuck at the harbor during an intense thunderstorm. When a tanker appeared in the mist, it was decidedly epic.

My friend Lillian is beautiful, although she is very picky about photographs taken of her. Like many of us, I suppose. I liked this one.

In Montreal, I met a Russian girl named Karina, hailing from Kazan. It was nice to have an opportunity to speak Russian with someone not in my family, and we had lots of fun.


Abs of STEEEEEEEEEEL! And apparently, I am not completely incapable of utilizing the silly little flash unit on my camera.

A fashion show/dance performance. This shot is a little bizarre, eh?

A babushka look-alike makes an appearance on the Ottawa streets!

My lovely Spanish friend Ariadna at the not-terribly-thrilling Mont-Tremblant resort.


That woman is a prostitute/drug addict, in case you were wondering. She told me so.

There are a lot of young people like this in Montreal, all of them with German shepherds and gigantic backpacks. Are they runaways, homeless people, travelers?

I got to live with this puppy for 2 weeks! If only he'd been house trained...

In case you were wondering, Santa lives in the Quartier Latin of Montreal.


Kittens are such camera whores.

A frog on a mission.

The scruffiest creature I've ever seen. This bird is my soulmate.

A group of...whatever they are, posing for the camera. Yes, posing - they intentionally gathered all together on the perch like that. "Group shot, everybody, say cheeeeeeese!"

An odd sight.

My mother's smile lights up the heavens.

Vika peering - a common sight at our house. In this case, she is worrying about the state of the rose bush.

My grandmother looking stately in Provincetown.

An adorable child at the playground.


Anonymous said...

I love this photo of your grandmother!
And I really enjoyed the Montreal photos, too.

Masha Bee said...

Thank you so much, Marni! Glad you liked 'em.